
HP7; DH:P2.

SOOO... if you have been living under a rock or just simply do not enjoy keeping up with current events, then you may not know that the LAST and FINAL installment in the Harry Potter series (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Part TWO) comes out next Thursday. The London premiere of the movie happened 2 days ago and I am ECSTATIC!

These books/movies have been such a huge part of me. I will be sad to let them go. No more movie premieres to watch. No more making a Harry Potter inspired t-shirt to wear to the midnight showing. No more waiting for the new book to release and then locking myself in my room for 2 days to finish it so that I don't hear spoilers. I have been an avid follower for years and I am not ashamed to say so. These books have brought SO many loyal fans together for years and will continue to do so in what has now become its legacy. JK Rowling you are a genius and an amazing author. Thank you for sharing your characters and stories with us.

On a lighter note. Although I am TRULY beside myself that this era is coming to an end, I cannot WAIT to watch the last movie! And in preparation for doing so I decided to paint my nails!! I know this seems such a trivial thing to do for such a momentous (or so I've been making it out to be) occasion, I think it's a nice gesture =)

Six months ago, when the first part of the Deathly Hallows came out, I made a shirt with the Deathly Hallows symbol on it that can be seen here.

This time I'm contemplating another shirt with a deathly hallows symbol closer to the one in the book (more "rustic" looking) or maybe a quote or something. Haven't decided yet. Anyway, here is a video for your viewing pleasure. If you're a fan I guarantee there will be tears. ENJOY!

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